I do apologise for the fortnight-long disappearing act, but I have a good excuse I promise! Tom's mum took us for a little last minute trip to Prague and since we got back I've been working non-stop to make up for the days I missed.
I was a complete moron and forgot to take my camera, so the pictures above were taken using my iPhone4. I have to say, they turned out a lot better than I expected! Tom's mum did take plenty of photos though so if you guys would like to see some more pictures of my adventures in Prague (including some very flattering snaps of me pretending to be a tulip!) then I will try to get them from her.
Have any of you visited Prague before? What did you think?
I thought it was a beautiful city with some truly breathtaking architecture. The view of the city from the castle was amazing and there were so many little nooks and crannys to discover among the cobbled streets. I'd certainly go back, although I think I'd prefer it in the Autumn (and hopefully then it wouldn't be so jam-packed full of tourists on walking tours) however I fear all those cobbles would be treacherous in icy conditions!

Now I'm going to spend the rest of my lazy Sunday catching up on all of my favourite blogs and replying to all of your lovely comments. I hope everyone else is enjoying their Sunday.