08:54Have you ever heard of NaNoWriMo? Well, neither had I until quite recently. I heard about it via A Cat of Impossible Colour and signed up to Andrea's Nanowrimo group today. Basically, the aim is to write 50,000 words during the month of November, be that a novel or a collection of short stories etc. Visit the site for more information - I'm brand new to this!

I'm not sure what I'm going to write yet - I have lots of projects saved to my computer which have been started and then forgotten about. And there is also the 'book' I wrote when I was about 14, after being inspired by the Saddle Club books I loved to much. I was too shy to ever show it to anyone and now when I read through bits it makes me cringe ever so slightly. But maybe it would be a good idea to re-write it? I don't know but I'm sure I will post about it when I do.
yh i'll swap links :) xx
I'm sure some inspiration will strike tomorrow! :) I'm just writing up the official group list for Nano now - exciting. We have a great group. :)