Dress - River Island via eBay
Cardigan - Topshop
Boots - Kate Kanzier

I love this little dress so much, I think the collar is adorable. I first laid eyes on it last year when I saw a shop assistant in my local Topshop wearing it, and I just assumed it was from there. It wasn't in store so I went home and looked online but still couldn't find it (I still don't know why I didn't just ask the girl who I saw wearing it). I kept searching, even looking on eBay, but to no avail.
Then, last month, I was browsing eBay and looking for something completely different when I stumbled across my dress! (Which, it turns out, is actually from River Island.) I knew I had to have it - I just love when things like that happen, it makes the dress even more special in my eyes.