Topshop cardigan, H&M Belt & Scarf, Dress???
Tonight my flatmate is cooking dinner for me, my boyfriend and another mutual friend. We are going to eat roast pheasant and drink wine while we pretend to be posh and civilised.
I loved Melanie Laurent (and also had some love for Diane Kruger's high-heeled plaster cast).

Pics from melanielaurent.net

Yeah, right.
Last night we ate pizza, drank some wine and watched CSI:Miami before meeting my boyfriend's mate, who was having some girl problems. I got this dress for £10 in Topshop (I think it was originally like £45) because it has a teeny hole in the back, where the label is, which is actually invisible to the human eye. I always knew those Topshop employees were actually cyborgs.....
Hmmm. I do not quite know why I do such strange poses but anyway, this is that infamous red dress from Primark that was everywhere last year. I quite enjoy wearing it. My bag is from Topshop and so is my jacket.
I wore this outfit the other night when me and my boyfriend got drunk to celebrate me finishing my exams. We went to our favorite club and I have to say I've never felt so old in my whole life. I'm only 21, but I think almost everyone else there was like 16, wearing high-waist shorts and Amy Winehouse eyeliner. The music was good though- Offspring, Queens of the Stone Age, Limp Bizkit etc A nice weird mix for the schoolkids. I wish they had played Spiderwebs by No Doubt because that would have made my night.
Instead we went to the supermarket, bought slightly too much wine and Man On Fire from the bargain movie bucket. SUCH an awesome movie! In fact, I've never seen a bad Denzel film but this one was ace. It had just the right mix of supercharged emotions and gratuitous violence! Oh and the most mature 7 year old ever. People say 'I'm just a Professional!' a lot and Denzel cuts some of their fingers off. Watch it, you'll love it!
Then at 11.30 we got a call from a friend (who had just come out the cinema - I hate him) to say all the guys were in town and we should go meet them. We obliged, since it was actually said caller's birthday, and I managed to get myself ready to leave in about 3 and 1/2 seconds! Beast! That's prob why my outfit is not so great, and my terrible posing and photoface is definitely due to the aforementioned wine. Also, the fact that I look a bit fat could be due to the amazing amazing gnocchi and meatballs I cooked for me and my boyfriend earlier. Mmmm.
I got a surprise parcel in the mail today from my parents and little brother. They've just come back from a holiday in Orlando and sent me a Disney-themed box of treats. They also sent me this dress:

I think it's such an easy summer dress and I really like it. I don't usually wear this sort of style (I'm a bit worried it's a little unflattering) but the print is really bright and cheerful and I thought today was the perfect day for it.

How scary! My first ever post! I'm Carrie and welcome to my blog!
I wore this outfit at the weekend, when I went with my boyfriend and his family to Pittenweem Arts Festival. It's right next to the sea so my boyfriend and I spent some time down at the beach before we went to sit in the sun and drink Magners cider. I did see some artwork, I promise!